Monogram Turnaround times: Monogrammed items are estimated to ship in approximately 4 weeks. All hat orders are estimated to take 6 weeks. In stock items without monograms may take 1-2 weeks to ship. For promotions, please see specific promotional turn around times)

Childhood Cancer Fundraiser

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. We will be donating a portion of all dinosaur proceeds* between 9/29-10/2 to “Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation” in honor of Gregory the Brave. 

You may also donate directly to the Lovely Little Things fundraiser page.

🦖 Why dinosaurs? 🦕

This fundraiser is honor of Gregory, who LOVES dinosaurs. Nearly a year ago, Gregory received a cancer diagnosis. After a year of extensive treatment, in August Gregory was found to be cancer free! 

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s mission is to change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer. 

*Applies to full price items. Please allow extra time for items to ship. 

Regular price $64.00
Regular price $36.00
Regular price $75.00
Regular price $85.00